King David High School

"Let there be light
through faith and work"

Curriculum Review 2022-2023

Curriculum Evaluation at King David High School 

The King David Way

King David High School is an Orthodox Jewish school with a focus on inclusivity, academic inquiry and excellence and a strong sense of community.  As a school which always strives for improvement, our curriculum is consistently reviewed to ensure it meets the needs of all our students.  Our commitment to self-evaluation has enabled us to maintain our high standards of educational provision throughout this difficult 18 month period

Curriculum review and development forms a central part of our school calendar.  It is a standing agenda item at our Middle Leaders’ meetings, is the central focus of our mid-year whole-school review and our calendared work sampling exercises.  students and staff therefore play a vital role in ensuring the curriculum we deliver remains relevant, dynamic, inclusive and challenging for all students.

The purpose of the self-evaluation process at King David High School is to:

  • Ensure the curriculum we provide is adequately broad and ambitious for all students (including boys, disadvantaged pupils and pupils with additional needs and high ability students) across all key stages
  • Ensure that King David High School is a community which always strives for improvement
  • Enable all members of the teaching and support staff to drive and contribute towards the core aims and values of the school
  • Facilitate time to review areas of the school so that we can work collegially to ensure our staff and students are happy and successful

Whole School Priorities 2022-2023

  • To embed our whole school reading strategy, focusing on opportunities to  develop students’ cultural capital and personal development and therefore facilitating greater curriculum accessibility and engagement
  • To engender greater cohesion across the school by focusing on the  interrelatedness of the subject curricula
  • To provide an inclusive, engaging and ambitious teaching and learning provision  (including extra-curricular) which mitigates the impact of Covid for all pupils and cohorts
  • To ensure that our assessment and monitoring processes continue to develop and enable the delivery of  meaningful intervention