King David High School

"Let there be light
through faith and work"

E-Safety Information for Parents and Carers

The increasing use of social media and online resources brings with it some risks.

What Apps are your children using?      

Do you Know what they use them for?  

The NSPCC have a great section on their website.  It provides all information on what apps your children may use and the potential dangers.

NSPCC - Keeping Children Safe Online

They have also produced a comprehensive downloadable guide to helping your kids confidently explore the online world. NSPCC online safety guide

This information sheet provides some very useful information on the wide range of social networking apps that young people are using - App Guide

There are many websites that provide very useful information, support and guidance for Parents, Carers and Children.  Here are just a few we particularly like.

To download and save these links. Online Safety - Helpful Websites for Parents and Carers