King David High School

"Let there be light
through faith and work"

King David & Harold House Foundation

 Why Parental Contributions Are Vital

 What is The Foundation?

King David & Harold House Foundation (“The Foundation”) was formed to build the new King David Campus in partnership with Liverpool City Council and The Department for Education.

It brought together the old King David Foundation and the Liverpool Jewish Community Centre, Harold House.

The Foundation fully funded the cost of building the King David Primary School, Kindergarten and the Community Centre.

It did this by selling the Harold House site and part of the old Primary School land and using funds built up over many years from donations from parents and the wider community.

The High School is the only part of the Campus that was publicly funded.

How does the Foundation raise Funds?

The principal source of money is the voluntary contributions made by parents

We also receive occasional donations towards specific projects.

How Is the Money Spent?

The Foundation’s income is used to provide resources and student opportunities over and above those funded by the City Council in consultation with the Head Teachers.

Below are some of the ways in which we use your parental contributions to support and advance the excellent King David Schools.

  • Security
  • A range of extra-curricular activities and trips
  • Extra learning resources
  • Provision of extra staffing to advance the faith ethos of the Schools
  • Festival celebrations and activities for all pupils
  • External speakers and programmes
  • Insurance

None of the monies received from parental contributions and donations is used to fund either the King David Kindergarten or the Community Centre.

Why We Need Your Contributions?

The Schools operate within the ever tightening financial pressure of central and local government funding. This means that the support provided to the schools through the Parental Contributions will play an increasingly important role in maintaining the high standard of teaching that both schools currently deliver, and the Campus’s first class facilities which together form the excellent King David learning experience.

The maintenance of effective security on the Campus is kept under constant review and resources provided as necessary.

This year, the Foundation expects to receive approximately £180,000 in parental contributions but our commitment to the Schools is in excess of £230,000. We therefore rely on your parental contributions more than ever.

As a charity, The Foundation is also able to reclaim tax on parental contributions. This means that, as a standard tax payer, every pound of parental contribution is worth £1.20 to the schools.

Parental contributions and their expenditure are completely separate from any other funds raised for the Schools   through the PTA or school charity drives

Foundation Trustees

The Foundation is a registered charity (number 07455606) and the accounts are filed each year with the Charity Commission.

The Foundation is managed by nine Trustees, five of whom are also King David School governors.

For further information:

If you would like to discuss your contributions, the work of The Foundation or specific projects to which you may like to donate, please contact us and we would be happy to talk with you further:

Foundation Chair: Dr. Michael Fraenkel

King David & Harold House Foundation,
King David Campus,
Childwall Road,
L15 6WU

Foundation Office: Sandra Heaps 0151 235 1584