King David High School

"Let there be light
through faith and work"

The King David Way

The objectives of our school are embodied in “The King David Way” – This is, in short, a set of principles and core values which underpin all we do as a school community and centre around the school’s Jewish ethos. 

Five years ago, we established what our aims are as a school.  They are: 

  • To always strive for improvement
  • For pupils and staff to be happy and successful
  • To embody our school motto "Let there be Light Through Faith and Work"

Staff and pupils, work hard to ensure that these core principles underpin our practices as a school.  We carried out a comprehensive evaluation of key areas of the high school: Assessment, Teaching and Learning, Sixth Form, Pastoral and Communication and looked at ways the core principles can be explicitly subsumed within them.

As part of that process, we have established a document of core values which we are calling “The King David Way”. The expectation is that all members of the school community embody these principles. We are delighted to be working with the primary school on this initiative and you will be able to see the fruits of this collaboration in our foyer as you walk in on “The King David Way” board.  Staff have the opportunity to nominate pupils who most embody “The King David Way” and their names and reason for nomination will be displayed on the board as a representation of all that is special about our school community. 

We are extremely proud of “The King David Way” and feel it strengthens us as a school community as Rabbi Lord Sacks stated “If you remember where you come from, where you are going to, and why, you can handle change because you have a map of values that don’t change”.

Aims and Objectives for King David High School