King David High School

"Let there be light
through faith and work"

Welcome to king david HIGH School

We are an oversubscribed, high-achieving, mixed, voluntary aided, Jewish faith based secondary school with a comprehensive intake. Our aim is to provide excellence through education for the Jewish and Wider Community. We exist to provide a Jewish and quality academic and secular education for Jewish pupils as well as pupils from other faiths in the locality.

Michael Sutton


The High School is situated on a large Jewish Campus comprising King David High School,

King David Primary School, Jewish Youth and Community Centre and playing fields.

King David High School has a key role to play in the education of young people in Liverpool.

Our aims are to:

  • To provide a stimulating and enriching Jewish and secular education for all Jewish children in Liverpool and its surrounding area.
  • To provide an equally stimulating and enriching curriculum for all other pupils of all faiths admitted to the school.
  • To provide a quality inclusive academic education which promotes British values for all our pupils regardless of ability with the individual needs of each pupil at the heart of the Jewish ethos of the school.